On this page you can access the application forms for ER.GO benefits (scholarship, accommodation, catering service, etc.) and for benefits provided by universities (tax exemption/reduction, student collaborations, etc.).

Do you have everything you need?

Before you access the reserved area, make sure you meet all the requirements. You can access the forms at the bottom of this page.

Before applying







Required documentation

The documentation you submit must attest the economic condition of your family unit.

Students with income and/or assets abroad only

see more

Students with income and/or assets both in Italy and abroad

see more

Students with residence permit for international protection, complementary protection or stateless

see more

Do you have to apply for tax reduction? You are in the right place!

Read all the information on this benefit first and then apply by following the procedure related to your University.
ER.GO acquires the applications and carries out checks on the economic documentation: remember to certify it as described above.

Requirements for ER.GO benefits

Having troubles filling out the application forms?

Read the FAQ! In this section you will find answers to the most frequent doubts about application.

Check the Protocollo!

Inside your Dossier Utente you can find the Protocollo section (Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Documenti protocollati). All the forms that you fill in when you apply (for example Dati Personali, Dati Economici, Modulo dei Benefici a concorso, etc.) are filed there, including any documentation that you submit to ER.GO.
You can make sure that you have correctly applied for the benefits by checking that all the forms you filled out are in the Protocollo section.

How to log into application forms

Digital identity

If you have an official residency in Italy, you must access your reserved area by using a digital identity: SPID, CIE or CNS.


If you don’t have your official residency in Italy, you can access your reserved area by using specific credentials.

Affiliated CAF

If you need assistance in filling in the application, you can go to one of the CAF offices with an agreement with ER.GO.

All students with an official residency in Italy, with an Italian valid identity document, must have a SPID.

If you don’t have a residency in Italy, check in your reserved area in your university website which is the residency you declared. If, by contrast, you declared as a mistake to be resident in Italy, correct this piece of data and enter a residency abroad and a domicile in Italy. After 24/48 hours, try to log in by using University credentials.

No, you don’t need to submit the hard copies by post. But you must keep them at hand in case you are requested to submit it in a second phase for further checks.

You must enter the amounts using Euro; inside the online application form you can find a currency converter based on the official average exchange rate as recorded by the Banca d’Italia national bank for the previous year.

No, you must apply following the indications for students with income and/or assets both in Italy and abroad. In the economic data section, besides the ISEE protocol registration number, you must also enter the incomes and/or assets of the other members of the family of origin abroad and submit the related documentation about the financial/patrimonial condition according to the requirements of the competition announcement.

You must enter your incomes and/or assets abroad in the application form and submit the relevant documentation, exactly as you do for the other family members over the age of 18.

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