Here you can find all the information you need if you do not get your degree by the normal duration of your university course, that is to say:
- if you graduate in due time in the last session of the academic year of your university course;
- if you graduate beyond the regular course length.

If you were an assignee of the scholarship during the previous academic year and you get the degree title in due time you can apply for the supplementary amount of the scholarship.

You are entitled to the scholarship supplementary amount for those who graduated in due time only in case you get your degree in the extraordinary session or in its possible extension. If you graduate before the extraordinary session (for example in the second session), you cannot be eligible for the integration.

You must apply for the ER.GO scholarship supplement by the deadlines. If you are absolutely sure that you will graduate by the extra session, you may decide not to pay the enrollment fee to your academic institution.

In order to apply for the supplement, please indicate "Fuori corso finale" as your type of enrollment in the benefits application form.

The scholarship supplement will be paid only in case that there are funds left after paying the scholarship to all the students eligible in the ranking list for that academic year.

The amount of the supplement is the same as that assigned as the extra semester scholarship for that academic year.

If you are not sure that you will graduate in due time, pay your enrollment fee to your academic institution by the deadlines set in the competition announcement: then, if you graduate in due time by the extra session, you can ask for the refund of the regional tax. If you, on the other hand, get your degree in the academic year beyond the regular course, you are entitled to get the scholarship for the extra semester, whose amount is half of the ordinary scholarship amount.

If you get your degree beyond the regular duration of your course, you can apply for the scholarship devised for the extra semester.

You are entitled to the scholarship for the extra semester if you don’t get your degree by the extraordinary session of the last year of course envisaged in your study course or its possible extended deadline, that is to say if you get your degree beyond the regular course duration (“laurea fuori corso”).

You must apply for the ER.GO scholarship by the deadlines. You must also pay the enrollment fee to your academic institute by the deadlines set in the competition announcement.

In order to apply for the extra semester scholarship, please indicate "Fuori corso finale" as your type of enrollment in the benefits application form.

The amount of the scholarship for the extra semester is the half of the ordinary scholarship for that academic year and is paid in three installments without the need to meet specific merit requirements.

You can apply for the scholarship for the extra semester only for your first year beyond the regular duration of your course of studies, with the exception of students with a disability.






Students who graduate in due time in the extraordinary session and enroll to the new academic year


is paid by December 31st to those students regularly enrolled by November 16th


is paid from March onwards


is paid from June onwards

Students who graduate in due time in the extraordinary session and did not enroll to the new academic year


the whole scholarship amount is paid from June onwards in a single installment, after the checks on the achievement of the degree title

Students who graduate in the further academic year


is paid by December 31st to those students regularly enrolled by November 16th


is paid from March onwards


is paid from June onwards

The scholarship integration for students who graduated in the extraordinary session is paid only in case that there are funds left after paying the scholarship to all the students eligible in the ranking list for that academic year.

If you are a Non resident student...

If you applied for a scholarship for Non resident students and you have a domicile upon payment of a rent with privates, it’s enough to submit the documentation about at least 5 months, it doesn’t matter if they are not consecutive months, in the period from 1st October of the year of submission of application to 30th September of the following year.
If you are assignee of a bed in one of ER.GO residences, submit the application to confirm your accommodation as "Fuori corso finale": the allocation of the accommodation will end on 15th September of the year after that of application or 7 days after the degree date if you graduate before the end of the period. For further details, please check the ER.GO residential facilities rules.

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