The international mobility programs are periods of studies spent abroad because of an exchange program organized and managed by the academic institutes during your academic life.
You can get different economic contributions that will support you during this experience.

1. Contributions managed and paid by the Academic Institues

These contributions are directly ruled by the Universities and the Higher Institutes for Arts and Music according to a competition announcement and belong to projects like the Erasmus+ and the Overseas. Look for the information you need on the website of your Institute for further details.

If you are a non resident student, you must submit the correct documentation about your domicile abroad. Remember that the periods spent abroad, if correctly documented, can contribute to meet the 10-month requirement of the scholarship.







2. MUR contribution based on your ISEE or your household incomes and assets abroad

What is it

The MUR supplement is a contribution aimed at those students participating in international mobility exchange programs organized by the Universities. It’s an additional contribution to those already granted for the periods of exchange abroad and is calculated according to your ISEE or your household incomes and assets abroad.

How to apply

You must have the necessary documentation about your economic condition. Then you must log in to the restricted area from the page How to apply and fill in the Personal data and Economic data forms. There’s no specific application form to fill out: it’s enough to fill in these two forms.


The MUR contribution is managed and paid by the Universities: ER.GO only gets the applications and the economic condition documentation. For further information please, address your University.
This contribution is fully compatible with ER.GO scholarship, too.

3. Contribution for the international mobility paid by ER.GO

It’s an economic subsidy reserved to students eligible to the ER.GO scholarship, who take part in a program of international mobility, both inside and outside Europe, supported by the Universities and the Higher Institutes for Art and Music (AFAM). The requirements you must meet are the same as for the scholarship.

Who can apply

The application can be submitted only once for each course of studies. The students enrolled at specialization schools and PhD students on the other hand can apply from the first year of their course and for a number of years equal to the legal duration of their course.

What is the amount

The contribution for the international mobility given by ER.GO is a subsidy further to the amounts already received for the same purpose and paid by the student’s academic institutes, up to the maximum monthly sum established by the competition announcement.

For instance: each month you receive from your University 250 € as Erasmus+ contribution, besides another 150 € of MUR integration. The international mobility contribution paid by ER.GO will be 600 € - 400 € = 200 € per month


If you are a Commuter or Non resident student, by accepting the international mobility contribution paid by ER.GO, the amount of your scholarship will be recalculated as Resident student. After the publication of the ranking list, you receive a communication in your Dossier Utente where you are requested to choose whether you want to accept this benefit or not.

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