ER.GO offers a dedicated service to students holder of international, complementary or temporary protection or stateless. The service envisages welcoming and support in order to correctly apply for the benefits and confirm eligibility.

In order to access the service, please send a request for support through the SCRIVI mail ticketing service and you will be contacted by the office in charge.

What do you have to submit?

In order to apply for the scholarship and other related benefits, you must have these documents

Valid ISEE certificate specific for Diritto allo studio universitario

Even if you applied for asylum or renewal of the previous protection permit, you must submit the present year ISEE certificate, which must be valid for subsidized services for the right to university studies.

Copy of the stay permit

Il permesso di soggiorno deve essere in corso di validità. The stay permit must still be valid.

Copy of the passport, identity card or of another identification document

Your identification document must still be valid.

Further documentation

In order to actually get the benefits, the office could ask for further documents. In this case, you will get all the necessary information.

In order to actually get the benefits, you must get a recognition of your status, accompanied by the issue of the related stay permit.

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