Income and employment status
The employment status of any member of your household who is over the age of 18 must be certified with proper documentation.
You must declare and document as requested by the competition announcement the employment status of all your family members over the age of 18, including siblings, grandparents and other relatives that may be in the family status.
If you worked during the year before that of application, you are required to certify your working activity incomes, too. Read the indications in the chart below.
The incomes to be certified are those of the calendar year before the year of application (for example, if you apply for ay 2022/23, you must certify the incomes of 2021). The year of reference is the calendar year, from January to December.
The values of incomes and/or assets must always be expressed in your country of origin currency.
No, the certification of income or unemployment status must be issued directly by the competent public authority. It must certify the income received or not received in the previous year and must refer to each individual adult member of the family unit.
No, bank statements are never suitable documents for attesting the gross income received.
If a member of your household only worked for a few months during the reference year, you must produce, in addition to the certification of the state of unemployment, also the certification of the gross income received in the actual months of work.
Yes, if the passing away took place after the application submission. No, if the passing away happened before the submission of the application. In this case, you only need to document the passing away by submitting a death certificate.
You must submit a consular certification issued from the Italian Embassy in the country of origin certifying that you do not belong to a high-ranking family and you have a low income. If, on the other hand, you choose to submit the economic and patrimonial documentation issued by the territorially competent authorities in your country of origin, remember that you must certify the family status, income and assets/absence of assets of all adult members of the family unit, with documentation issued by the competent territorial authorities, translated and legalized by the deadline.
Only for exceptional and objective reasons (e.g. serious impediments such as situations of conflict within the country, absence/suspension of the activities of the Italian Representation in the country of origin), can you request the certification of "belonging to a family not of high social rank and low-income" to the diplomatic representation of the foreign country in Italy. You must also request legalization from the Prefecture by the deadlines.
In case of proven and objective difficulties documented by the local Italian Embassy, the documentation of the economic conditions can be replaced by a certificate in Italian issued by the Embassy or Consulate of your foreign country operating in Italy, indicating the exact composition of your family unit and the complete income and asset data of the adult members of your family referring to the previous year. In these cases, it is also necessary to produce the legalization from the competent Prefecture for the territory.
If you are enrolled to AIRE you have official residency abroad, therefore you must document your AIRE registration for at least two years, to demonstrate the requirement of a registered residency outside the family of origin, and possibly the lease or sale contract of the foreign property and income produced abroad in the same way as an international student declaring himself independent. Therefore, you will need to indicate in the application the income produced abroad in the previous year and certify the income of the two previous tax years.