How to prove your domicile correctly
Follow all the necessary steps to document your domicile and avoid penalties.
In order to correctly document your domicile, you must carry out two simple operations:
1. Fill in by 18th November the online self-certification of domicile form that you find in the same reserved area where you apply for benefits.
2. Upload by 31st January the required complete domicile documentation in your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Invia documentazione > Documentazione di domicilio.
If in the previous academic year you had a domicile with a multi-year rental contract under the fix taxation regime (cedolare secca), when you open the self certification of domicile form you are bound to confirm or not that domicile.
Fill in the "Conferma di contratti pluriennali in cedolare secca in corso di validità" form: if you confirm the previous year domicile, you don't need to submit the documentation again. If, on the other hand, you don't confirm it, you must fill in the self certification of domicile form, as usual.
It’s not mandatory to have a single domicile during all the required 10 months: you can have different or non-consecutive contracts or different domiciles (for example 4 months in a B&B and six months with a regular paid rental contract). The important thing is that the sum of the periods covers at least ten months during the academic year (from 1st October to 30th September of the following year).
If you vary your domicile during the academic year, you must fill in the variation of domicile form within 30 days from the change of domicile. You can find it in your Dossier utente > Modulistica. Then, you must upload the required domicile documentation in your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Invia documentazione > Documentazione di domicilio, together with it.
Follow the path on the chart to guarantee you correctly do everything. Mind the penalties!
See also...
Yes, you can. Remember that you have to fill in the variation of domicile form (you can find it in Dossier Utente > Modulistica) within 30 days from the change of domicile. Then you must upload the new domicile documentation on your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e protocollo > Invia documentazione > Documentazione di domicilio, within 30 days from the change of domicile as well.
No, it’s not possible to make exceptions. Despite this, if you had filled out the self certification of domicile, you can anyway submit the documentation after 31st January: in this case you will get a 5% penalty cut on the scholarship amount.
If the address indicated in the self certification of domicile is different from that where you actually got your domicile, you have two possibilities:
- In case the deadline for filling in the self certification of domicile has not expired yet , delete the submitted self certification and fill it in again with the correct address.
- In case the deadline for filling in the self certification of domicile has already expired, fill in the Variazione di domicilio form in your Dossier Utente > Modulistica
Yes. You can indicate in the specific section of the self certification of domicile form that you don’t have the contract registration data yet.
In order to avoid penalties, open a ticket using the SCRIVI service, communicating that you renounce to the self certification of domicile. In this way, your scholarship will be recalculated from Fuori Sede to In Sede amount.
The self certification of domicile is a form that you must fill in online. The domicile documentation by contrast, consists of the actual rental contract, its registration and, generally speaking, all the documentation required to prove the domicile you declared in the self certification.
If you take over a contract, you must indicate in the self certification, the total number of months (from the start of the contract, even if it was signed before you took it over, till its end). For the same reason, the contract start date is that of the original contract.
You must enter the number of months you intend to have a domicile in the place you indicated in the self certification of domicile form. You must enter at least 10 months. For example, if you get a domicile for 12 months, in that field you must enter "12".