Domicile abroad for exchange periods
If you go abroad on a university international mobility program, you must correctly document your domicile.
If you spend a period abroad, because of an international mobility program managed by your study institution, remember to submit the correct documentation in order to have the Non resident student scholarship.
Follow the chart to make sure you comply with all the necessary steps.
See also...
You must submit:
- the new contract;
- the document issued by the University attesting the extension of you period abroad.
You must submit a document similar to a contract, where there is your data, the accommodation facility data, the stay period and the rental amount. The document must have the accommodation facility stamp.
The documents are the same as required for similar domiciles in Italy. Please, see the chart at the page Domicile documentation required.
If the documentation about the previous Italian domicile is complete, it’s not necessary to submit the documentation again. But you must submit a new document called "Interrogazione di contratto": ask for this document to the Agenzia delle Entrate when you come back to Italy and submit it; moreover you must communicate through SCRIVI service the intention to go back to your previous Italian domicile.