What is it about?

It is possible to have a total exemption or a partial reduction of the university fees amount.

Who can ask for fee exemption or reduction?

Freshmen university students eligible for scholarship, both assignee and non assignee, are entitled to the total exemption from university fee and the refund of the regional tax, provided they have not been revoked the scholarship because they didn’t meet the academic achievement requirement by 30th November.

Students enrolled at the academic years after the first one and eligible for the scholarship, both assignee and non assignee, are entitled to the total exemption from the university fees and to the refund of the regional tax.

University students who fill in by the deadlines the concerned application to get a total exemption or fee reduction, are entitled to a total or partial exemption from university fees, provided they meet the specific economic and academic requirements.

The University of Modena and Reggio Emilia grants a total or partial exemption to students with a disability and to Top Students (students who got their high school diploma or a bachelor’s degree with honors in the previous school/academic year).

How can you apply?

First of all, get the economic documentation necessary to certify the condition of your family unit. ER.GO is in charge of getting the applications for the total or partial tuition fees exemption and of carrying out the controls on the submitted documentation. Afterwards, data is forwarded to the universities as they deal with checking the merit requirement and then calculate the possibly due amounts.
Check the application procedures by selecting your University of interest. Mind the deadlines.

You must go to the application section and fill in Dati personali and Dati economici forms. The No tax/reduced tuition fee form will be automatically generated to apply for the total or partial tuition fees exemption.

You can make sure that you correctly filled out the form by going on your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Documenti protocollati, where you can find the three forms already filled out.

Then upload the necessary documentation in order to attest your economic condition, by the deadline set by your University.

The amount of the fees is directly calculated by the University, thus you must contact the competent university offices for doubts or further details on the due amount. Please, check the tuition fees page of your University.

The University of Ferrara directly gets the applications for the total or partial tuition fees reduction based on your ISEE/economic condition. ER.GO is in charge of the controls on the economic condition, but doesn’t get the applications.

Please, directly address your University.

You must go to the application section and fill in Dati personali and Dati economici forms. You must also fill in the No tax area/reduced tuition fee form to apply for the total or partial tuition fees exemption based on your ISEE/economic condition.

If you are a student with a disability or meet the Top Student high performance requirements, you can apply for the total or partial exemption by selecting the corresponding items in the form Benefici a concorso.

You can make sure that you correctly filled out the form by going on your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Documenti protocollati, where you can find the three forms already filled out.

Then upload the necessary documentation in order to attest your economic condition, by the deadline set by your University.

The amount of the fees is directly calculated by the University, thus you must contact the competent university offices for doubts or further details on the due amount. Please, check the tuition fees page of your university.

University fees exemption and reduction competition announcement


You must go to the application section and fill in Dati personali and Dati economici forms. The No tax/reduced tuition fee form will be automatically generated to apply for the total or partial tuition fees exemption.

You can make sure that you correctly filled out the form by going to your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Documenti protocollati, where you can find the three forms already filled out.

Then upload the necessary documentation in order to attest your economic condition, by the deadline set by your University.

The amount of the fees is directly calculated by the University, thus you must contact the competent university offices for doubts or further details on the due amount. Please, check the tuition fees page of your University.

What is the Flat Tax?

The Flat Tax tuition fee is a reduced fixed fee system provided by the University of Bologna and by the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia.

In order to have FLAT TAX you are not required to submit any documentation. If you accept the FLAT TAX, you cannot apply for NO TAX area. By contrast, for NO TAX area you must submit all the required documentation to prove the economic condition of your family unit.
If you accept the FLAT TAX, you can in any case apply for ER.GO benefits by declaring your economic condition: if you are eligible for the scholarship, you are entitled to a total university fees exemption. By contrast, if you are not eligible for the scholarship, you must pay the FLAT TAX due amount.
If you don’t accept the FLAT TAX and you are not eligible for scholarship, you must pay the whole amount of university fees.

Check the application procedures by selecting your University of interest.

It can be asked by students coming from one of the countries included in the list of particularly poor countries or by one of the non-OECD countries and who only have incomes and assets abroad.

Particularly poor countries non-OECD countries

Access the benefits application reserved area. Fill in the Dati personali form and then the Tassa fissa agevolata form. If you want to apply for ER.GO benefits, fill in the Dati economici form and then the form Benefici a concorso.

You can make sure that you correctly filled out the form by going on your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Documenti protocollati, where you can find the three forms already filled out.

The amount of the fees is directly calculated by the University, thus you must contact the competent university offices for doubts or further details on the due amount. Please, check the tuition fees page of your University.

It can be asked by students coming from non-EU countries indicated in the following list.

non-EU countries

Access the benefits application reserved area. Fill in the Dati personali form and then the Contribuzione fissa ridotta form. If you want to apply for ER.GO benefits, fill in the Dati economici form and then the form Benefici a concorso.

You can make sure that you correctly filled out the form by going on your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Documenti protocollati, where you can find the three forms already filled out.

The amount of the fees is directly calculated by the University, thus you must contact the competent university offices for doubts or further details on the due amount. Please, check the tuition fees page of your University.

No. The deadlines to submit the application are mandatory and cannot be postponed. You can ask the University office in charge of tuition fees if it is possible to pay in installments the due amount.

First of all, make sure you correctly applied. Go to your Dossier Utente > Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Documenti protocollati and check if the related form is filled out.

If the form is filled out, you must ask the University office in charge of tuition fees, because ER.GO gets the applications and the economic documentation and makes the related checks. The University is in charge of the calculation of the due amount.

No. If your application has been rejected, you must pay the whole tuition fee.

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