What should you do?

Check your family unit economic situation and follow the relative path.

If your family unit income and/or assets abroad are not all declared in the DSU for asking ISEE:


Ask for a ISEE certificate for the current year in order to certify your incomes and/or assets in Italy.


Get the original documentation related to the incomes and/or assets you have self-certified, have it legalized and translated. Remember that you must submit the documentation of the incomes and/or assets related to the calendar year before that of application.


Afterwards, fill in the benefits application forms following the path for students whose family unit has incomes and/or assets both in Italy and abroad. In the Dati Economici section you must enter the registration number of the ISEE certificate and then you must also declare the incomes and/or assets abroad.


Finally, upload the documentation related to incomes and/or assets abroad on your Dossier Utente, in the Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Invia documentazione > Documentazione redditi esteri section. Pay attention to meet the deadlines.

If your family unit income and/or assets abroad are all declared in the DSU for asking ISEE:


When you fill in the Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) or you submit it to a CAF office, also declare the incomes and assets abroad, together with the incomes and/or assets in Italy. Remember that you must declare them in the FC4 box, “Redditi e trattamenti da dichiarare ai fini ISEE” in the "Redditi da lavoro o fondiari prodotti all’estero” section, in the same DSU.


Get the original documentation related to the incomes and/or assets that you self-declared, have it legalized translated. Remember that the ISEE certificate refers to the incomes of the second calendar year before that of request of the ISEE certificate. Thus, you must submit the documentation related to the calendar year considered by the ISEE.


Then, fill in the benefits application forms following the path for students who have incomes and/or assets in Italy only. You must enter the ISEE registration number of the ISEE certificate into the Dati Economici section.


Finally, upload the documentation related to the incomes and/or assets abroad in your Dossier Utente, in the Corrispondenza e Protocollo > Invia documentazione > Documentazione redditi esteri section. Pay attention to meet the deadlines.

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